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Turbidity Standards Calibration Kit AMCO (20, 100, 400, 800NTU) for TN480

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Standard Calibration Solution Set for Apera Instruments White Light Portable Turbidity Meters (TN480)

AMCO Clear®  turbidity standard solutions (20.0 NTU, 100 NTU, 400 NTU, 800 NTU).

AMCO Clear® is an EPA approved primary standard for calibration of turbidity sensors that is safe, non-toxic and disposable. It is easy-to-use with no dilution or resuspension, and it is available in a wide range of values.

The standards have a guaranteed one-year shelf life even if you've opened the bottle and happened not to have recapped it tightly.

The convenient submicron polymer suspensions are non-toxic primary calibration standards approved by the US EPA for drinking water analysis for turbidity.

*Store at room temperature. Never freeze.

AMCO Polymer Standard Calibration Solutions:

Approved by US EPA and ASTM, AMCO high molecular polymer turbidity standard solutions are the best alternatives to Formazin standards in terms of shelf life, ease of use and safety concerns.

Formazin SolutionAMCO Polymer Solutions
ToxicityHighly toxic, PPE is necessary when handlingNon-toxic
OperationRequires diluting, complicated operation.No diluting needed, use directly
Shelf Life

<2 NTU: 1 hour;

2 – 20 NTU: 12 – 24 hours;

20 - 400NTU: 1 month

1 year
Storage ConditionAvoid sunlight at low temperatureAvoid sunlight at room temp.
ConvenienceEasy to settle, requires flipping and mixingVery stable, can be used directly
TraceabilityNon-traceableNIST traceable


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